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Here's How To Get Dental Treatment In Italy

39.7 percent of Italians visit the dentist annually, according to the most recent statistics from Istat. However, in Italy, the National Health Service doesn’t provide dental care coverage, unless it’s for youth aged 16 or younger or for those who are considered members of vulnerable groups. Those who need emergency dental care and are in financial need, may also be granted coverage.  Decisions about coverage for orthodontic services are made on a case-by-case basis.

UK residents visit Italy for affordable dental care

Italy is attracting visitors from the UK, who are looking for affordable dental and orthodontic services. Dental and orthodontic services in Italy may cost up to 30 percent less than they do in the United Kingdom, according to Treatment Abroad. 30 percent is a significant savings, so it’s not surprising that people in the UK travel to Italy to save some cash. Some UK residents may combine dental care with traditional tourist activities while they’re in Italy.

While Italians do have access to dental services that are impressive and affordable, some are visiting Croatia in order to try and save on their own dental and orthodontic bills. Dental tourism is much like medical tourism. People will go where services are the cheapest, but dental tourism has its pros and cons. Pros include lower cost and cons include language barriers before, during and after treatment, as well as the risks associated with having invasive procedures performed abroad. All invasive procedures, including dental and orthodontic procedures, carry some risk, including the risk of bleeding and infection.

How often should you visit an Italian dentist?

People should go for dental cleanings and check-ups every six months. Babies should begin going to dentists when they are 1 year old, and even sooner if their first teeth come in before they turn 1. Orthodontic care for children who seem to have problems with their teeth, such as cross bites or upper teeth that protrude, should begin when children are 7 to 9 years of age. Italians will find that building long-term relationships with Italian dentists and/or orthodontists is a smart strategy.

How to find a good dentist or orthodontist

Italians who want to find good dentists or orthodontists should ask their family and friends for recommendations. They might also want to ask general physicians for advice. Tourists who require dental care in Italy should use the Internet to research dentists or talk to Italian health care authorities to access recommendations. In Italy, a tourist may be able to find dental care that is delivered in his or her native tongue. Italy’s health care system ranks in the top ten worldwide, based on information from the World Health Organization, and the nation’s dental services are also of superb quality. Tourists and residents alike may feel confident about accessing these services in Italy.

Overall, about 5 percent of dental services performed in Italy are covered under the National Health Service. Paying for dental care is a fact of life for most Italians, as it is for so many residents of other countries all over the globe. Luckily, the quality of Italian dental and orthodontic services are good. This means that money spent on dental and orthodontic services is money well spent.