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As it usually happens to most Italian regions, Sardinia is mainly described as a summer destination and it is hard to get a clear picture of the island when relying only on incomplete or poor descriptions.

guide-to-sardinia-2013-previewSardinia boasts the largest Italian coastal development, and indeed its heavenly beaches are its main pride. Furthermore, the island itself has shaped its own history and personality. This is the reason why this guide was born: to show visitors the multiple faces of the island.

The Sardinia Travel guide is divided in six parts: Cagliari, the South West Coast, the South East Coast, the Central North, the North and the Emerald Coast, Nuoro and Ogliastra. Bit by bit, let our guide take you through every corner of the Island discovering what to do and see, where to eat and sleep. The last chapter contains a “Small gourmet guide” and two interesting infographics.

The travel guide is handy, useful and it can be downloaded for free. Maps and pictures will help you discover the island and experience the various beaches, panoramas and ancient traditions that Sardinia has to offer.

The guide (available in Italian, English and German) is the result of a team work by and you can have your free copy by joining our newsletter at