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costa_smeraldaA colourful point of view!

Do you know why Sardinia is one of the most voted destinations for beach vacation? Why are Sardinian Hotels so special?

3 points are enough to answer the question:

1. Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean sea and one of the most ancient lands in Europe. This means that it is able to offer a wide range of traditions, naturalistic and archaeological sites.

2. Sardinia weather is enviable. Not only the Sardinian summer season guarantees a hot temperature, but also the forecast of the off season is ideal (even if better) to discover the Island.

3. Sardinia has 1,849 km of coast with some of the best beaches in the world.

It is not possible to deny that Sardinian beaches are the best natural advertisement that a place would dream.
Sardinia is one of the top five healthiest places to live, so almost all its beaches are clean and pure. They are heavenly places and each one invites you to dive in for an amazing experience!

Each of them has its own particular characteristic or can be classified as the best for a family holiday, for surfers, for water sport lovers…

There are thousand of web sites, blogs and forums which suggest you the top 10 best of them, the top 5 unspoilt coastlines, the unmissable shores from north to south, from east to west. So, how to choose the best beaches of the Island?

Let me share a secret

There is always a strong personal component when a Sardinian guy gives you a suggestion because there are many factors that influence his preferences both personal and objective. I don’t think that you can actually classify the best beaches ever because each one couldn’t be second to none for a characteristic.

That being said, I would like to share with you the way I often use to take my decisions. When the choice is so wide and I need to understand what my stomach prefers, what are my deep feelings about a place, I let my senses decide it for me. In this case, I let my eyes choose what is able to capture their attention at first sight: that’s the place I like the most!

If you take a map of Sardinia, you will notice lots of names that remind you of colours and shades. Guess what? Generally, they respond to the truth!

So why not using these names to guide your eyes?

Keep in mind that Sardinia has thousand of beaches and bays with colourful names, so the list below it’s just an abstract of the rainbow you can find wandering the coast.

Pay attention: be ready to be captured by the tones of turquoise and emerald and by the freshness of the waters that like mermaids will tempt you to jump into them…

The Pink beach

pink_beachI would like to thank each of the shells and small fragments of red corals, because they are the responsible of the wonderful colour of the beach. Furthermore, the pink beach is in La Maddalena Archipelago (north-east of Sardinia) where you can find tons of inspiration for your eyes!

Red Rocks

red_rocksA cliff of red porphyry standing near the harbour. The red rocks of Arbatax in Ogliastra, the wildest region of Sardinia, gain a look even better and a brightest colour when the waves crash against them. In summer, they’re the natural stage of Red Rocks Blues Festival, dedicated to blues, jazz, rock music and song writing.

The Green Coast

green_coastThe Mediterranean vegetation, typical of all the island, grows up, in this area south of Oristano, lush and thick. Junipers, lentiscus, brooms and strawberry trees are spread all over the coast… even on top of the dunes of Piscinas, among the biggest in Europe!

Rena Bianca beach (white sand)

rena_biancaThis particular beach is located in the northernmost municipality of the island, Santa Teresa di Gallura, but the name is used for many beaches of the area, known for being of white and fine sand. The whiteness of Rena Bianca beach is also enhanced by the green of the vegetation which borders the beach like a painting of rare beauty.

Punta Nera beach (black top beach)

black_topLocated in the island of San Pietro, it is characterized by white-grey sand, but don’t worry: the black colour doesn’t come from the nuances of the water! The name comes from the dark colours of the cliffs surrounding the beach.

Open your eyes wide and listen into yourself: listen to your breath, your feelings and the beating of your heart.

Which mermaid has seduced you?

Article provided by

BIO: Silvia Pe lives in Sardinia and is an Italian traveller enthusiast and compulsive reader. She works in the tourism field for and runs the blog, in which she shares information about Italy. You can get in touch with her on Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon.