Italian schools to learn the language, cooking, and other skills on location in Italy
Accademia Europea di Firenze
AEF is an Italian Language, Music, Arts and Culture school situated in the center of the historical city of Florence, Italy. The school is dedicated to providing the ultimate study abroad experience.
Ambrit International School
Ambrit Rome provides an international education for students from multicultural backgrounds.
American Academy in Rome
The American Academy in Rome is one of the leading American overseas centers for independent study and advanced research in the fine arts and the humanities.
An Italian language and cooking school in Emilia
Located in a lovely little town, Reggio Lingua organizes Italian study abroad programs, homestay and cooking courses in agriturismo. You will learn to prepare the typical dishes of Emilia Romagna.
Corsi di lingua e cultura italiana a Taormina, Sicilia. Study Italian & discover Sicily. Italian classes and culture programs throught year.
Studiare l’italiano a Bologna. Learn Italian at teacher’s house in Bologna.
Center for Italian Studies
The Center has three specific purposes: first, to stimulate interdisciplinary research on the part of the local academic community on issues that bring about a better understanding of Italy and Italian Americans; second, to become a national and international focus for Italian and Italian American affairs; third, to promote a better understanding of Italy and of Italian Americans by bringing to the general public the latest scholarly findings on Italy and Italian Americans and by organizing cultural activities of general interest.
Centro Culturale Conero
Centro Culturale Conero organizes Italian language courses for all those people interested not just in learning the language, but also in getting in touch with the culture and daily life of this wonderful country.
Centro Giacomo Puccini
The italian language school “Giacomo Puccini Centre” organizes from April to October Italian Language and Culture Courses to learn italian in Viareggio, one of Tuscany’s most beautiful beaches.
Centro Machiavelli
The school offers Italian language courses, practical art and artisan courses, Italian cooking courses. The atmosphere is cheerful and informal.
Comitato Dante Alighieri
Surrounded by the ancient buildings of a village of the late Middle Ages, and set in a timeless atmosphere, the Dante Alighieri Society which is famous all over the world for spreading the knowledge of the fascinating Italian Language and culture, organizes courses in Italian in Mondavio.
Cooking class in Umbria
Cooking vacation in a spectacular location (Umbria, Italy): hands-on cooking lessons, day excursions and traditional meals.
Cyber Italian
Get an indepth study of Italian language from the comfort of your home and office!
British Institute Corsi Rimini
Corsi di inglese, spagnolo, italiano, tedesco, arabo e russo, traduzioni e interpretariato in Emilia Romagna, Rimini. Corsi di italiano per stranieri. Soggiorni studio per stranieri che vogliono imparare la lingua italiana. Corsi aziendali. The Douglas language institute, located in Emilia Romagna, organizes study holidays for students of all ages and nationalities who would like to learn Italian.
Istituto Il David
Scuola di lingua italiana di Firenze che propone corsi individuali e di gruppo. Italian language school in Florence featuring individual and group courses.
Istituto linguistico Mediterraneo
Italian language school in Pisa and in seaside city Viareggio. Offers courses on Italian language for foreigners, semester and summer study abroad programs. Also features intensive courses, individual tutoring, and classes in cooking and art.
Istituto Michelangelo
Founded in 1975, the Michelangelo Institute is open all year around, welcoming students of all nationalities who wish to begin, continue or perfect their knowledge of the Italian Language.
Study Italian at ITALIAIDEA using Rome as your campus. Learn the Italian you need and want to know for business, for pleasure, for personal development, for yourself.
The Italian Academy
In the heart of the enchanting city of Siracusa, a unique range of courses: Italian, history, food and wine, eco-tours. 30 years experience and a highly qualified teaching team.
Italiano in Italia
Lezioni private di lingua e cultura italiana con un insegnante privato a Tropea e Dintorni. Learn Italian in Italy – Tropea (Calabria) – Private lessons with a Ditals certified teacher.
It Schools
Italian language schools in Italy by region
Learn Italian
Learn Italian guide, all about how to learn Italian and how to speak Italian.
Lingua It
Scuola di lingua italiana a Verona. Italian language school in Verona.
Lingua Italiana a Italica
Il Corso di Lingua italiana, realizzato da DIDAEL S.P.A., è suddiviso in 72 lezioni divise in tre livelli: Principiante, Intermedio, Avanzato. È possibile inoltre seguire le Lezioni del corso seguendo i percorsi per Unità, Funzioni, o Ambienti. Il corso è disponibile in 5 lingue: Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo, Tedesco e Portoghese.
Lingua Sì
Corsi di Lingua e Cultura Italiana. Italian Language and Culture Courses.
Madrelingua offre corsi di italiano agli stranieri nel centro storico di Bologna. Madrelingua offers Italian courses in the historic center of Bologna.
Perseo, Scuola per l’Arte della Gioielleria Italiana in Firenze
Respecting the most classical Jewelry, the owners of “Perseo” wish to bring to light to the Students how to acquire, step by step, the techniques to think, design, produce, set stones, and engrave pieces worthy of the best form of Art in the Goldsmithery Sector.
Piccola Università Italiana
The Piccola Università Italiana is situated directly by the sea in the heart of the old town of Tropea and offers language courses in small groups (3 – 6 students). It is the only language school in Calabria officially recognised by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. The school offers the perfect combination of professional Italian language study and relaxing vacation!
Porta d’Oriente
The most prestigious Italian language school for foreigners which offers Italian language courses at every level in one of the most beautiful Mediterranean seaside resorts.
Scuola Appia Vecchia
Scuola Residenziale di Italiano (Roma). Italian Residential School near to Roma
Scuola Leonardo
Learn Italian in Florence, Rome and Siena – three of the most beautiful cities in Italy.
Scuola Romit
Scuola Romit is a school of Italian language based in Rome.
Scuola Toscana
Scuola Toscana offers courses of Italian language in Florence, classes of Italian language and art history, individual Italian lessons, one-to-one Italian lesson. You can learn Italian in one of the most beautiful place in Italy. It offers also practical art courses in Florence, Italian cooking lessons and Italian language courses for business.
Scuola Tricolore
Scuola Tricolore offre corsi di italiano personalizzati per chi vuole studiare con molto divertimento. Scuola Tricolore offers personalised Italian language courses and continuous fun.
Scuola Virgilio
Italian courses in Trapani, excursions to Erice, Mozia, Segesta, Selinunte, to the seaside in Favignana, Lo Zingaro. Art and culture seminars, cooking courses. Young multilingual staff. Discounts for students under 27 years of age.
Sorrento Lingue
Live and study in Sorrento with courses transferable to your home institution. Enjoy full immersion in Italian life; expand your cultural horizons.
Spirito Italiano
Spirito Italiano is a small Italian language school in Florence. Lot of attention is paid over the special need of each student; in a friendly atmosphere, communicative methods are adapted to student wishes and capacities, making the studying in Florence as pleasant as possible.
The school in Orbetello offers Italian courses in small groups (2-6 students), individual courses, a wide range of special courses as well as courses that can be accumulated for university credits.
Tiberius International
Learning a foreign language, in this case Italian, means, above all, coming into contact with a new cultural-social reality. Our courses offer this kind of direct contact, not only with history, with culture and with the every day life of our country, but will involve the student in the atmosphere and colour of the life of the town itself.
Tutorino vi propone lezioni gratuite di lingua italiana. Tutorino offers free grammar and vocab lessons, activities and flashcards.