
The Italian beauty and personal care market made a whopping $10 million in profits this year, but with environmental awareness now predominant among Italian consumers, the main trend for winter will focus on eco-friendly products, and it is expected to affect the market not only this season, but in the coming years. However, the trend is not just about sustainable brands: the choices for makeup and hairstyles are bolder and more eye catching too.

The Future Of Italy’s Beauty Industry

The shift is now being felt by the industry as natural products take center stage in the Italian market, and according to experts, brands that do not plan on heeding the trend will likely not exist in the future. Italy, as seen in what its municipalities and cities are doing, cares about the environment, and this awareness is now being translated into the need for better, more sustainable products. This means that there will be more eco-friendly moisturizers, soap, shampoo, hair sprays and makeup this season and in the seasons to come.

A Sustainable Lifestyle

While the zero waste philosophy is not yet as popular in Italy, many Italians have been in the pro-environment movement since the early 2000s, with municipalities adopting zero waste goals and individuals fighting against the use of incinerators. Italians are finding ways to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, a shift that is now being felt by the beauty products industry.
Italians are now shrinking their carbon footprint by buying from sustainable brands. Earth friendly hair care is gaining ground in the country, as can be seen in the various eco-friendly shampoos now being introduced in the Italian market. Conventional shampoos have serious environmental impacts, as found by several studies. In fact, regular hair care routines result in millions of plastic bottles thrown away every hour, with millions more ending up in landfills.

Apart from this, regular shampoo has ingredients that are not friendly to the environment. Having them flowing down the drains of Italian homes and into the environment can contaminate water resources. The chemicals that they release once they are on the scalp can also combine with chemicals in the atmosphere, producing particulate matter. This exacerbates the greenhouse effect, according to research done by the University of Colorado Boulder.

Eco-Friendly Brands And Bold Yet Sophisticated Choices

It is not surprising that there are many artisanal beauty products in Italy, as many Italians take pride in their heritage and the ingredients that they use. There are brands that produce handmade soap made from olive oil that still maintain their artisanal production, while others incorporate science-driven concoctions that do not harm the environment, while still ensuring soothing results.

While the Italian market now wants products that are eco-friendly, it does not mean that they want simplicity when it comes to make up. In fact, this is far from the truth, as make up styles for Winter 2020 are now bolder, with many fashion designers opting for gold, bronze, and other summer colors. From beautiful burnt orange eye shadows to metallic silver ones, the makeup trend can be described as eye catching. Classic, sophisticated styles are still trending, of course, but women are advised not to forget their bold, red lipsticks. For hairstyles, the fashion shows in Milan showed retro-inspired finger waves and huge poufs.

The choices are bold this season, and they might stay for months and even years to come. The shift to green beauty products will also likely stick around.