italian food

1 in 10 adult Italians are obese, while other European nations feature a higher adult obesity rate of 1 in 6, based on information from OECD. While the Italian way of eating, which includes the delicious and hearty pasta dishes that Italy is famous for, doesn’t have a strong reputation for being diet-friendly, statistics prove that the Italian diet is healthier than people think.

This is because the Italian style of eating includes elements of the Mediterranean diet, including veggies, olive oil and fresh fish. Italians are also less involved with junk food culture than other nations. In Italy, fresh ingredients, which are cooked with love, are part of the cultural tradition, so reliance on unhealthy convenience foods is lower.

Ease into the Italian diet

Obesity is a global epidemic that impacts billions of people. If you want to avoid obesity (or lose weight if you’re already in the obese category), you will benefit from learning how to eat the Italian way, as well as knowing the factors that impact your weight.

It’s about eschewing processed foods in favor of fresh and healthy dishes. Modest portions of classic Italian fare will be better for you than fast food or microwave meals. Ease into the diet-friendly slow food movement by preparing healthy Italian pasta sauces from scratch, which contain red, ripe tomatoes, olive oil and garlic.

Tomatoes are delightfully sweet, but low in calories, olive oil contains healthy fatty acids that will help you to feel fuller for longer and garlic features allicin, which was proven to promote weight loss in a study published in the American Journal of Hypertension.

When you enjoy your red sauce with pasta, slow down and savor your meal. One of the reasons why most adult Italians aren’t obese is because they take time to truly enjoy their food, rather than wolfing it down. They also tend to go for strolls before and after supper.

In Italy, breakfasts are usually on the small side, and lunches aren’t too large, either. The evening meal is the focus. It’s a time to socialize. If you spend some time chatting and laughing during supper, you may find that you eat at a slower pace and fill up before your plate is clean.

Red sauce isn’t the only option

Sure, Italian “gravy” (red sauce) is a wonderful staple of the Italian diet, but it certainly isn’t the only option. You’ll also be able to feast on so many other healthful dishes, from flavorful Minestrone soups to pan-friend cod with capers and olives to baked eggplant with Parmesan.

These dishes and many other Italian foods may be made with fresh ingredients that nourish the body, without contributing to weight gain. For best results on the Italian diet, make pizza loaded with full-fat cheese and high-calorie toppings a very occasional treat, or find pizza recipes that are better for your body. Also, pay attention to portion control. Italians ensure they adhere to a healthy 100 g portion when they eat pasta. But Americans have been found to eat 3 and a half times this amount in one sitting. Too much of any kind of food won’t help you to achieve your weight loss goals.

There are a lot of misconceptions about Italian food. Everyone knows that it’s delicious, but some people think that it can’t possibly be healthy. Adult obesity statistics for Italy tell a different story. Italian food, as well as the Italian culture and lifestyle, help Italians to avoid adult obesity. So, why not enjoy a traditional Italian meal soon?