Organizations and groups of Italians in the World

Proud to be Italian American
NIAF, National Italian American Foundation – The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is a non-profit organization serving as a major advocate in Washington, DC for nearly 25 million Italian Americans, raising the prominence of all things Italian in American culture and society, and making “Italian American” part of the national conversation.

Columbus Citizens Foundation – The Columbus Citizens Foundation is a non-profit organization in New York City committed to fostering an appreciation of Italian-American heritage and achievement.

Order Sons of Italy in America – The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) is the largest and longest-established national organization for men and women of Italian heritage in the United States.

Il Circolo Calabrese – Il Circolo Calabrese is the world’s oldest and largest organisation devoted to the study and preservation of the language, history, culture and genealogy of the Calabria region of Italy.

Unico National – UNICO strives to honor, perpetuate and disseminate the culture and ethnic heritage of our Italian immigrant ancestors, by supporting higher education and by educating and informing our members, local communities and our nation.

Italiamerica – Italian American Cultural Organization honoring families who emigrated from Southern Italy and Sicily

Italian American Writers’ Association – IAWA aims to promote Italian American literature by encouraging the writing, reading, publication, distribution, translation, and study of Italian American writing

Italy-America Chamber of Commerce – Founded in New York in 1887, The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce (IACC) is an independent, private, not-for-profit US Corporation devoted to fostering trade, tourism, investments and economic cooperation between Italy and the United States. – A web site for Italians in USA and in particular in St. Louis – Per comunicare l’Italia nel mondo

Museo ItaloAmericano – The Italian American Museum of San Francisco: preserving the heritage of Italian Americans for future generations through art exhibitions, language classes, cultural programs, films, feste, and more!

NIABA, National Italian American Bar Association – The National American Italian American Bar Association is a nonprofit, nonpartisan corporation, founded in 1983 to advance the interests of the Italian-American legal community and to improve the administration of justice.

Fönster mot Italien – Comprehensive site aimed towards Scandinavians interested in all about Italy. Norwegian

I C E – Italian Trade Agency – L’Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero è l’Ente pubblico che ha il compito di sviluppare, agevolare e promuovere i rapporti economici e commerciali italiani con l’estero.

Italian American Heritage Foundation – The Italian American Heritage Foundation was founded in 1975 when a group of successful Italian Americans came together to help celebrate the United States Bicentennial.

ItalyLink – Java Chat, Forums, Free Classifieds, Match Maker, 18 or over only! Top 100 Links, Auction It!, Mall, News Stand, Weather, Sports, Usenet It, Announce It!, Genealogy, Travel, Search.

L’Unione Italiana – The Italian community of Tampa, social and economic challenges that confronted turn-of-the-century immigrants from Italy.

Sicilia nel mondo – Il sito dei siciliani nel mondo. Cultura, turismo, ricette e tanto altro ancora. .

Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce – Il sito ufficiale della camera di Commercio Italo Thailandese. The official Site of Italian / Thai Chamber of Commerce.

The American Immigrant Wall of Honor – The Ellis Island monument honoring all the immigrants. Is your family name there yet?